Sunday, January 30, 2011

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Early Detection Of Pregnancy - What Signs?

It 'important to detect early pregnancy, if you want a baby or not. If you are willing to become a mother, so early detection can help the proper care of the child in the womb. If you are not yet ready for motherhood, so early detection is important for the safe termination of pregnancy.

Here are five signs of early pregnancy, which usually appear until a positive pregnancy test:

1) Season miss calculated

If they were periods of time at regular intervals until last month, and this time you lost your period, probably less likely to be pregnant. Presence of other symptoms over the Detailed sign of pregnancy.

2) nausea, morning

If there is a period, you have nausea or vomiting in the morning and do not feel like eating something, then you might be pregnant. This is not well, rarely last more than three months and usually do not have a negative impact on health.

3) frequent urination

When you're pregnant, the uterus becomes bulky and put some pressure on the bladder because you may need to urinate frequently. This symptom disappeared spontaneously after three months of pregnancy, the uterus is recovering gradually increasing the size of the baby in her womb.

4) sensation of fullness in the chest

An early pregnancy symptom is a sensation of fullness or heaviness in the chest, which can also be associated with "a tingling sensation. If you have observed these changes in your breast with the other symptoms of early pregnancy, most likely you are pregnant. You can also see an increase in the size of their breasts with delicate veins visible under the skin of the breast.

5) increased fatigue and lethargy

If you become lethargic because of your missed period, and you feel tired, even a small work, so it is probably due to pregnancy.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

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Dangers Of Chemical Exposure To Pregnant Women

May is Pregnancy Awareness Month. Women prepare to give their lives, the toxins in the home is the greatest gift of all their unborn children.

expectant mothers body 'is a self-contained environment at its best and should be treated toxins care routine. When my friend learned that Sabrina was pregnant with her first child, one of the first things she and her husband, Dan, was not to remove any harmful cleaners at home. Nesting Instincts When his kicks, he made sure that their house has been completely non-toxic in their new bundle of joy!

What to expect when you expect

Her gynecologist told his pregnant wife has to take precautions when cleaning the house, their unborn children may be exposed to all sorts of harmful chemicals found in traditional cleaning products, which can increase the risk birth defects, such as : ear infections, diarrhea, neural tube defects, cleft lip, skin and lungs, kidney disease, loss of nervous system function, and low birth weight.

A pregnant woman can inhale these chemicals, foods or beverages, or in some cases, absorbed through the skin without realizing the harmful effects of cleaning with cleaning products may be toxic. A pregnant woman should be exposed to large amounts of chemicals for a number of continuous time if they endanger their baby.

The daily dose of toxins can be deadly

Children are exposed to toxins in utero, this is a problem. Always remember, anything that comes into contact with harmful chemicals, whether intentionally or deliberately cause an immediate danger to the unborn child. Such exposure can cause chronic, serious illness and fetuses, such as inborn errors of metabolism and congenital cardiac defects.

Bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, all Teflon can be found in most homes, but are not safe for human consumption. BPA can be found in some plastics, most canned food and bottle caps, baby formula and bottled water in plastic. products for skin care, laundry detergents and fragrances contain phthalates. Nonstick cooking utensils releases toxins called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), also found in microwave popcorn and takeout containers. All of these chemicals include endocrine disrupting properties or pathogens and carcinogens.

hormone disruptors have been shown to cause liver damage and kidney toxicity. Pregnant women should do everything possible to give their unborn children a good start to avoid toxic cleaning products together, now that they are aware of the dangers.

Greener Cleaning

Control how do you clean your house. Make your own cleaning products using natural ecological dishwashing detergent, water, vinegar and baking soda, these alternative chemical-free, clean feel less of the contract, knowing your family breath easier, free of toxic gases. Better yet, invest in ionator Activeion, which uses only tap water, the activation of the molecules of water to clean and sanitize surfaces without leaving any harmful chemicals in the back of a healthy clean you can trust for your child.
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Signs Of Design

Women often wonder if it is possible to say now if I'm pregnant! Unfortunately, you can. Here are some ideas that might help identify the signs of design.

First week:

The most obvious sign is the absence of rules. Some women can confuse implantation bleeding with the normal period. preimplantation embryo is itself attached to your uterus. The bleeding is not as dark as the normal blood flow, it is a light spotting.

Fatigue can be a sign of drawing during the first week. For example, if you have a good sleep, but still wakes up feeling tired, could be a sign that you are pregnant.

Second week:

You will notice that your breasts are a bit 'wider than normal, and can be very tender. Other symptoms may include nausea, fatigue, mood swings and dizziness. Some of you will be able to experience all the symptoms, but then some of you do not, change from woman to woman.

The third and fourth week:

This is when most of the symptoms. You may go to the bathroom more than usual. Morning sickness is a sign of conception. Although called morning sickness, not to say that you did in the morning, can occur at any time of day - even when you least expect it. Also, can occur at any time of the first week of the sixth week of pregnancy.

They may also have constipation, headaches, feel more irritable than usual and the sudden and inexplicable to mourn! This is all due to hormonal changes. Heartburn in early pregnancy could be another sign of conception, and an increase in appetite and digestive disorders can occur in its third week.

After reading the signs of conception, you have to do a pregnancy test or to go to the drugstore and buy a pregnancy test at home or at your gynecologist for a blood test.

The home pregnancy test takes about five minutes, and you can do at home. The best time to take the test first thing in the morning. If positive, then we recommend that you make an appointment to see your gynecologist.

The blood test is much more accurate than home pregnancy tests, but results can take between six and 24 hours to get results When blood came to the room doctor, they will then call you and inform you if you are pregnant.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Choosing The Sex Of Your Baby Naturally

Choosing the sex of your baby is very important to have a child for many couples. While for some it does not matter to many people trying to have children there, no matter. Some people have always wanted a boy or a girl first to start a family. Other couples have a boy or a girl and not a child of the opposite sex. Whatever your reasons for wanting a child of one sex is possible.

Baby sex selection techniques have been proposed before, but there are many scams out there, and many are placebo implies something more than pure coincidence when it comes to what sex the baby is born. If you do not want your child's sex should be left to chance, then there are natural methods out there with a success rate of over 94% to give you baby, you're dreaming.

Choose the sex of the child a series of processes that must be followed. You must learn to calculate the date of ovulation and get information on what your diet should be encouraged to take a boy or a girl according to your desire.

By adjusting your diet, you can adjust the pH level in your body. Alkaline pH to promote the design of a boy, while acidic pH enhances the perception of a girl .. consumption of certain foods that are rich in potassium and sodium can make all the difference when it comes to a little boy. Pumpkin, tofu, bananas and potatoes are all ideal foods to help pregnant women of a boy .. But if you want to imagine a little girl, you should eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium. spinach products, grapes, apples and dairy products are all perfect food that will help keep your neck of the uterus of a highly acidic region.

sexual positions may also play an important role in sex selection and choice when a woman orgasm. This may sound ridiculous, but it is a known fact that men and women sperm swim and survive at different rates during different periods of time in the vagina, so if that means a type of sperm is helped to reach the cervix before the another can change the outcome of the design.

Most couples prefer to use natural methods to choose child's sex, because there is no risk to the health and well-being of the child relative. Medical interventions may also be a very costly exercise and the implementation of a risk. Even doctors do not give a 100% guarantee to get the sex you want. Natural methods have been shown to have a success rate of over 94% and it is quite good by the standards.

If you want to know more about choosing the sex of your baby, I found this site that gives you all the information you need to know that it is easy to follow and very informative with proven natural methods that you help to have the child in your dreams.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Causes of Primary Infertility

Infertility is defined as the inability to obtain or get pregnant after a year of trying. Women 35 years or older are considered sterile after only six months trying to become pregnant. Approximately 10% of women in the United States aged 15 and 44 have fertility problems, according to the CDC. Contrary to popular belief, infertility is not always the problem of women, either. Only a third of cases infertility is a problem with the woman during a similar amount due to male infertility. The remaining causes of infertility are due to a mixture of male and female problems or unknown problems.

Pregnancy is actually a complex process and problems can occur at any stage. For pregnancy to occur if a woman ovulates, the release of an egg from the ovaries healthy. The egg must travel through the fallopian tube, and will join the sperm as it moves toward the uterus. The fertilized egg or embryo, also must come together successfully in the uterus. Infertility can occur if there is a problem with one of these steps.

Male infertility is usually due to low sperm quality. Poor sperm quality refers to low sperm count and poor sperm shape or movement issues. Genetics may also play a role in diseases such as fibrosis male infertility causes of infertility cystic. Some men also have a condition called varicocele. Then the veins in the testicles are too large, the testes warm and affects the shape or the number of sperm produced.

Female infertility has a wider range of causes, but most are related to ovulation. Ovulation is the reason that it is an egg for fertilization in the first place, if it can be one of the first things a doctor. Many questions are created by the syndrome of polycystic ovary ovulation, hormonal imbalance that prevents ovulation. Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS, is the most common cause of primary infertility in women. Another problem that can interfere with ovulation is the primary ovarian failure, which occurs when the ovaries stop functioning normally before 40.

Other causes of female infertility include physical problems with the uterus and uterine fibroids which are non-cancerous lumps in the tissue in the uterus. Blocked fallopian tubes can also be to blame, a condition that can result from endometriosis, pelvic infection or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy earlier.

Now that you have found the causes of infertility let me show you how you can overcome this obstacle.
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

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You Can Not Get Pregnant? Here Are Some Reasons Why It Has Not Happened Yet, And Tips For Getting Pregnant

If it seems that you can not get pregnant, infertility solutions are available, which can potentially help to conceive more quickly and help turn things around. It can be a bit 'disappointing not to get pregnant after trying for some time, but has a lot of information about infertility around and you have a successful end.

For many couples, especially women, it can be a difficult and worrying time, and you can feel very alone. It is difficult to express what most people feel hopeless when you try to get pregnant, but you can not get pregnant. Pine waiting, month after month test positive only to face disappointment once again, impossible to explain unless you've experienced.

I endured this first hand for yourself and know exactly how you can hear. I want you to know that someone understands what you're going through. So consider some options for you to help you get pregnant.

First, if you can not get pregnant, go see your doctor. If you have tried to conceive for over a year without success, your doctor may write a referral to a specialist in fertility. You can go to some of the tests which may be why you can not get pregnant. It 's also a good idea to also check the partner, it is possible that he may also be affected by the fact that you can not get pregnant.

They are exactly to your lifestyle. Would you like to do everything possible to help increase fertility. Quitting smoking and alcohol. Smoking decreases fertility and makes it much harder to get pregnant. It also lowers levels of energy, and perhaps will give you energy level is a good sex life. Smoking also reduces the partner's sperm. Less sperm - less chance of getting pregnant. Alcohol, especially if you drink every day, can also affect sperm count of your partner, and if you drink more than 4 points a week can reduce the fall pregnant third.

Watch what you eat. Make sure you eat only nutritious food, which gives the body all the vitamins and minerals they need. Avoid junk food and processed foods. Fish and whole grains actually increase your fertility and fresh vegetables and fruits for vitamins and minerals as well. And do not give up coffee and tea and all beverages containing caffeine and carbonated drinks. Caffeine makes it less effective in ovulation so be sure to avoid. It also reduces the partner's sperm. Given the best conditions for pregnancy and give your child a healthy start in life. It 'obvious that if you take drugs, will surely be to stop them. Avoid certain chemicals, if the job involves being around them. This may mean changing jobs, if you or your partner are exposed to hazardous chemicals.

If you are overweight, you need to lose extra weight. Your body mass index (BMI) should not ideally exceed 25. The same applies to low weight with a BMI below 18.5). Make sure that close to your ideal weight. Exercise regularly, but not too tired and escape. The same goes for your partner.

Avoid stress at all costs. A tense atmosphere is not the best environment for pregnancy. Create a peaceful environment for you and your partner is exciting. If you have a stressful job or quit your job, get a medical certificate from your doctor if you are too stressed or leave their jobs for a while, going on holiday for the more relaxed and away from stress. Make sure your home is a harmonious back after work, where you can relax and recharge your energy. Go for cozy evenings with your partner, perhaps with candlelight and go to bed at a reasonable hour.

And sex. Enjoy the company of others. The more sex you have the better your chances of conceiving. Even once a week may not be enough. But - once you know the day of ovulation to abstain for 36 hours in advance so that the sperm produced are healthy and strong and then go for it on the day of ovulation and the day before. Therefore, knowing when ovulation. You can find with the help of fertility indicators. You must be sure that your body and the egg is ready to be fertilized, so you need to know about your cycle and ovulation time. Another tip to get pregnant: the missionary position is the best position with some pillows resting on the bottom. This ensures a deeper penetration and facilitates the passage of sperm reaching the egg and fertilize it.

Talk to your doctor if you have an underlying disease such as diabetes, thyroid problems, menstrual problems, cancer or treatment of depression. Also discuss if your partner has had surgery or an injury to the testicles, if there is blood when he ejaculates when he had a hernia, had mumps before, have diabetes, have had a vasectomy or taking drugs for ulcers . It is also necessary to discuss with your doctor if a family is afflicted with cystic fibrosis.

So that is pretty much food for thought, and there may be some things that need to change your life, but it's worth it when you hold your little angel in her arms.

What helped me to conceive of a book, which I recommended as a good friend and everything changed for the better and helped me to get pregnant quickly, when I read the Miracle pregnancy. Read more about the site below. This book is much more information on infertility, I can give of this article, and people were very high success rate, the following information. It also reflects the natural infertility treatments that have proven successful. But do not take my word. Do not read the testimonies of people have been asking when pregnancies were a point of surrender, and use the information for you. They have nothing to lose, but it could just be the last thing you need to finally become pregnant.
READ MORE - You Can Not Get Pregnant? Here Are Some Reasons Why It Has Not Happened Yet, And Tips For Getting Pregnant
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Can You Get Pregnant, Endometriosis?

Can you get pregnant, endometriosis? If endometriosis causes fertility problems? In the case of endometriosis women stop trying after a few tries? Here are answers to some questions that women often suffer from endometriosis to ask.

Endometriosis occurs when tissue that lines the uterus outside the uterus, bleeding during menstruation. Finally, building these tissues, leading to ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes or adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

Although endometriosis can cause fertility problems, you can get pregnant is okay.

The miscarriage rate is higher in women with endometriosis than those without the condition. To treat the disease and remove the excess tissue, surgery may be performed. This will help you design.

Women with endometriosis, it is really pregnant while still trying not to give up some of them have failed. Can ovulation drugs like Clomid to be notified of their doctors.

Can you get pregnant, endometriosis? Yes, although difficult, is not impossible. However, it is important to understand that there is no cure for this disease

Endometriosis can be diagnosed successfully by surgery. Typically, laparoscopy is used to determine the endometriosis. Since there is no cure for endometriosis and drug treatment pro-active, you can reduce symptoms and increase the chances of conception.

Here are some things that will make it easier for you to treat endometriosis and to assist in the design as well.

) The doctor

Depending on when you start suffering from endometriosis to change the treatment options. The doctor is the best person to assess the situation and advise you to take medicine or surgery to treat disease. Endometriosis can cause infertility if they are left untreated for long. If the opportunity to seek early treatment of problems occurring later is remote.

b) A healthy lifestyle

The best way to treat any disorder that we can suffer is to treat our bodies better. If you stay healthy, it will be easy for you to become pregnant without any complications. To improve your chances of getting pregnant, you should refrain from drinking, smoking and reduce caffeine intake. It is also important to stay away from junk food and processed.

The answer to the question can you get pregnant with endometriosis are entirely your responsibility and the extent to which the tissues are dispersed. If you are looking for a quick and pay attention to your overall health, it is conceivable that, despite endometriosis.

Want to get pregnant naturally and quickly? Use a natural technique tried everything to help you have a healthy pregnancy, despite the endometriosis. Developed by a former infertility patient of this method has helped women to 40 years to get pregnant naturally without drugs or surgery.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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The Best Age To Get Pregnant

Pregnancy and delivery of a child is probably one of the greatest miracle of life. Women are particularly blessed with such a gift. Although some call a burden, I refer to it as a blessing.

But have you ever wondered when is the best age to get pregnant? Many factors must be taken into account not only the mother but the father and raise the child necessarily mean building a family.

Physical fitness should be number one for the consideration of women of childbearing age between 18-25 and most convenient and suitable. The mother is able to handle physical problems to get pregnant and give birth. Congenital malformations is also lower in younger women, however, financial stability is usually a matter of young couples.

Other women prefer the 30 as the ideal age. Although women in this age group are most often the financial capacity and stable in both the life and career, fertility is the issue today. Studies show that the number of healthy eggs for ovulation are significantly lower when women reach this age and thus reduce the chances of getting pregnant. There is also the issue of abortion because the risk is higher among older women.

That's why I prefer the pregnancy at a younger age and is between 20-25. Holding the fetus for nine months and the unborn child care requires such dedication. Not to mention sleepless nights over the past two months pregnant. And finally, give birth as many mothers force their health must be paramount. Young women are better off than women in this situation.

And when a child is born healthy, it becomes a source of inspiration for parents to push even harder, so they can give their children a better life. The money for the desires and needs have always been a problem for anyone, whether they are raising a child or not. Assemble as a problem that could mean the loss of your only chance to have a child.

I got pregnant when I was 26, and we had a healthy baby girl. Two years later, we had our second child, and was a healthy baby boy. A year later, tried a third child, unfortunately I suffered a miscarriage in my fourth month.

My real life experience shows that only women get older, your chances of getting pregnant is reduced and the possibility of miscarriage also increases. I was not a true exception.

Do you get the best age to get pregnant? I have a secret that could help your pregnancy. In fact, I recommended one of my friends who have been married for 13 years. They continued and now has two healthy children. I hope it will not take long to decide, because you may lose your only chance of getting pregnant. And what he told me he spend 35 years old when she gave birth to her first child? Find my little secret
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Artificial Insemination Success Clinic

When you select the best success rate of artificial insemination clinic your clinic is an important factor. Why not be the only factor to consider, but it provides important clinical information about artificial insemination.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publishes an annual report of Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates report. Since 1992, fertility clinics are required by law to report data to CDC annually.

Assisted Reproductive Technology Report published success rates for each clinic in the United States. The report also provides a success rate of different diagnoses treated with artificial insemination and fertility treatments offered by clinics. When access to the rates of success, to attract the attention of the cycle to carry out artificial insemination clinics, diagnosis, treatment type and age of success. More information about the report are the type of ART clinics to perform, the number of cycles with fresh embryos compared to frozen embryos, an average of embryos transferred and clinic services, including donor egg, donor embryo, the pregnancy rate, the cold storage.

The report is intended to help patients with infertility to make informed decisions about assisted reproductive technologies. The report does not recommend that patients choose a fertility clinic based on the success rate only.

The 2008 report, for example, featured 436 artificial insemination clinics in operation in the United States. Clinics that are omitted from the study because they are not required to submit data or did not provide proper verification. The report includes graphs and tables. The counts are organized by type of procedure. The report shows 148,055 cycles performed in 2008 in the clinical examination and there were 46,326 live births and 61 426 babies born. From these data, it is estimated that over 1% of all births in the United States are due to assisted reproductive technology.

When you check the CDC report, you must remember that the data is 3 years. This is because the artificial fertilization clinics to report live births (occurring after 9 months of ART cycles are complete) and because the Commission should have time to prepare, review and publish the data.

It also does not define the success rate of specific diagnosis. The clinical reports tell you the percentage of patients who have specific diagnoses, but this does not include the possibility of success. Thus, the report does not tell us whether fertility in particular, the question is a good chance of being treated in a clinic detail.

When I read the report, if you can find the clinical data that are too good to be true, there is a possibility that they manipulated the numbers and to protect their chances of success. You can do this: a large number of embryos transferred, increasing the chances of success in cases of in vitro fertilization, IVF cycles point to a small turning all patients with advanced maternal age, a large part of the cycle is canceled before you try to transfer. Artificial insemination at the clinic may have a high success rate, but may be a lot of multi-fetal pregnancies, which is not desirable.

When choosing a clinic for artificial insemination, it is important to also note, in addition to the rate of success, the team of fertility to all professional nurses, therapists, financial advisors, staff and embryologists and reproductive endocrinologist. After choosing a pair of clinics for artificial insemination, have to visit to provide information not available in the reports. It also allows you to interact with employees and observing how to treat patients.

It is also important to distance and location of medical artificial insemination in mind, as you may have to visit very often. Some of them could provide the location of the satellite offices outside the main clinic. You should also check the hours, especially if you are employed full time. Evening or weekend hours for medical appointments, tests and fertility treatments may be necessary.

In addition, success rates, artificial insemination clinic that you choose must also be a member of the club assisted reproductive techniques. This is because, in order to be members must meet certain ethical standards and practice.

Another important factor is the number of cycles of IVF clinic for artificial insemination performed each year. As a large number of not recommended, because then you will feel like another number at the clinic, and you can not focus too much as you want, however, a clinic that has experience of IVF. A series of 120 IVF cycles total in a year is a good figure. This allows two bikes per week means that they routinely perform IVF procedures.

Because fertility treatments are expensive, mainly because you need several cycles to conceive, it is useful is an artificial insemination clinic you choose accepts health insurance or payment plans or Offer funding.

You can ask your clinic for artificial insemination as follows:

* Do I have to go to the doctor every time you visit the clinic? Is it the same doctor every time?

* Can I contact my doctor and get a straight answer in a day?

* Other names every time a doctor?

* At the clinic has its own on-site embryology laboratory and a Ph.D. phlebotomist?

* How many different medications for IVF protocols are offered by the clinic?

* What service is included or not included in the price of one IVF cycle?

This article aims to demonstrate that the success rate of the CDC is very important to correct for artificial insemination at the clinic, but the data may be misleading if used alone. subsequent success rates, there are many other factors, couples should consider when choosing their fertility clinic.
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Monday, January 17, 2011

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All About Baby Gender Selection - Why I Want To Be Sure I Have A Dream Of My Family

If you read this, probably thinking of becoming a parent. You may also have a preference, admitted or not, what the sex of their child. Choosing baby's sex is certainly possible, naturally, medically, but not without its trials.

First of all, you know why you prefer a particular sex, but what other reasons are? In some cultures, there is great pressure to have a son (or daughter), so that parents would be able to choose. In addition, some families have a history of sex-linked inherited diseases or disorders and want to avoid their children - in this case, the available medical sex selection, but can be expensive.

Some parents do not mind the sex of your child's first baby, maybe the time of the second or third, but most often the parents that "maybe we will have sex (as opposed to their other children), this again! "

Unfortunately, the limited size of the family that most people are willing or able to be as there are only opportunities for the balance of the family. Having a balanced family for many parents and children, the number generated per household has decreased in the rich countries have fewer opportunities to achieve a balance.

The desire for a balanced family is the engine of my quest for a natural method to ensure that prejudice, that the sex of my baby. Ideally I would like to have a son first, then a girl. Or maybe even twins! There is much information online about how to do it, but I always left the "old wives tales." But when you read some of the logical, scientific facts, that some methods are based, you can not avoid feeling a little confidence.

Natural methods do influence the design by creating optimal conditions for X or Y sperm, depending on the type you prefer. Some ways of understanding

* Dietary modification to make your body more acidic and alkaline

* From different positions, to deposit sperm closer or the egg

* And when the sexual relationship to control when the sperm to the egg.

Natural methods of sex selection before conception does not always work, they are not always 100% accurate, but no more than the expensive and invasive medical procedures that may increase the risk of miscarriage. Ideally, natural methods are much more preferable.

More tips and advice for planning your dream family look at my page.
READ MORE - All About Baby Gender Selection - Why I Want To Be Sure I Have A Dream Of My Family
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

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After A Talk Miscarriage, About

Abortion is a life-changing event, if the woman's reaction to this loss, it is anger, sadness, relief or guilt is not the experience that is hard to forget. Research has shown that what women already know: we have to deal with difficult situations by talking things through. Speaking of a woman is the main coping mechanism.

So what do you do when you want to talk about abortion and your feelings about this experience and nobody else does? What do you do when you have no one to talk? How can you cope when your partner behaves like a typical man and do not want to talk? What happens when you turn on your mother / sister / girlfriend and they are too uncomfortable, what happened to speak with you?

The key emotion that appear from time to time after the miscarriage is loneliness. I know this is true from personal experience, reading the experiences of other women and the results of qualitative research done on the subject of miscarriage. Woman feels rejected, alone and without need someone to fix his loss and empathize with his pain. Unfortunately, not usually find a person.

Nothing makes you feel more alone than to lose someone who was known and loved as you. Most men whose partners have lost a pregnancy does not feel the loss acutely than women because pregnancy does not feel as real to them as it did for women. In the first weeks of my pregnancy, I started writing letters to my unborn child, they know how much I loved them, and welcomes their arrival, dreaming of the day I'd be able to read these letters to my child. My partner had no such connection. Therefore, abortion was a devastating event on a scale he could not understand. Everything he saw and was struck by the physical trauma of the loss he had to witness, I wore the weight of the emotional trauma alone.

I'm so grateful that this loneliness will not last long. I found an online community for women dealing with life after a miscarriage and they were my lifeblood. In the months after my miscarriage, I realized the healing power of my experience and talking with other women in the same boat as me, who understood where I was coming up and what I was going through. I was worried about the encouraging words and a virtual hug. They really got it, they knew what it was. Recently, I interviewed a woman who had suffered a miscarriage, and revealed that we are talking about another woman who had suffered a similar trauma, in the end they gave him a vision of hope, and had to go ahead and try new baby.

Nothing relieves the feeling of loneliness after a miscarriage how to talk to another woman who has lived or lives the same experience. So I encourage you to talk. It makes all the difference.

Dr. Uruakanwa Ekwegh is a doctor with a Master of Public Health. She is the founder of the support of miscarriage and Information Centre, committed to educating women and their parents about the effects of loss of pregnancy on the physical, mental and social well-being of women, while offering encouragement and support required.
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Friday, January 14, 2011

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10 Stories Of Old To See If You're A Boy Or A Girl

If you have not found yet for sure if you're carrying a boy or a girl can be fun for those old wives tales' and see if you can guess! The only real way to tell for sure if you have a boy or a girl is a medical test, but you can influence the sex of your baby to use a preliminary understanding of the methods.

1. The well-known old wives tale is that you can tell the sex of the child, how high you are carrying. People who believe this, believe they can simply say nice! The myth tells us that you were born a male, is brought low, and if you are carrying high, it is a girl.

2. Another popular tale is that you can determine the sex of the child's heart rate. If you have a daughter, the pulse is over 140 beats per minute, and if you have a boy, the pulse is less than 140 beats per minute.

3. How does your hair? It has become dull or thin? Or, healthy and full of shine? dull hair, a girl, shiny hair and half a boy.

4. Also, if you have dry skin, you must have a boy and if your skin is soft, then you'll have a girl.

5. Do not forget your extra kilos! If you carry your weight forward, is a child. If you bring back the kilos around the hips and buttocks, is a girl.

6. Cravings always know if it's a boy or a girl. sweet foods like chocolate and fruit juices means that you have a girl. bitter or salty foods, or meat and dairy products means that you have a child.

7. Back to the issue of weight again, if your partner fattening "sympathy" with you, then it is a girl. If not, is a child.

8. Look your best? If yes, it's a boy. At your appearance went down the toilet? It's a girl. Probably as a result of ...

9. Acne! If you have acne during pregnancy, you're a girl, and if you do not, then you're a kid.

10. Why do not you guess? You're lucky to at least 50% of success, perhaps even more. Research suggests that nearly 71% of women who did not know the sex of their baby were not able to guess what they were babies.

These methods are just for fun. Most of these methods are not based in fact and there is no scientific evidence to support them. If you are successful with these methods can only be good luck!

To learn more about how the sex of the child may be given before pregnancy, take a look at my page. Many factors go into the design of the kind discussed in more detail and how to influence these factors.
READ MORE - 10 Stories Of Old To See If You're A Boy Or A Girl
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

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7 Ways To Increase Female Fertility

Women who experience infertility may be disturbed by the state and therefore can be found in the treatments and home remedies to improve your chances of getting pregnant. fertility expert is the best resource for those who have difficulty conceiving, and the specialist can recommend, although some sections below. For some, the only way to solve the infertility can be a program of treatment or procedure. For others, simply changing lifestyle may increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Here are seven steps that can help increase fertility in women:

1. Reduce stress: Reducing stress factors in everyday life and managing stress in a healthy way, many can not see the improvement of fertility. The link is not clear, but many fertility specialists recommend stress relief for those who have difficulty conceiving.

2. Increase your intake of antioxidants: OBGYN News cited research shows that researchers at Harvard University found that 79% of couples who are infertile do not meet the average consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables.

3. Reduce the fish-eating fish can reduce a lot of damage. Foods high in mercury, such as fish can be harmful to both the male and female fertility. It is particularly important to avoid foods high in mercury during pregnancy.

4. Lose weight: being overweight or obese can be detrimental to female fertility. Losing weight, reducing calorie intake can be a good way to improve their fertility, not to mention the health and welfare.

5. Extras: If you are not getting enough folic acid, nutrients, vitamins E, B6, B12, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. try to take supplements to get the right amount of each. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist before taking supplements, however.

6. Reduce exposure to pesticides: Studies have shown that exposure to pesticides can be harmful to fertility. Be careful to minimize exposure to pesticides at home and at work.

7. sleep and enough rest: It may seem too simple, but a good night's regularly can be helpful in improving fertility. When deprived of sleep, the hormone leptin may fall. Leptin has been considered important for female fertility. Studies are still worried about the effects of sleep on the levels of leptin, but getting the proper amount of sleep each night can be very useful for individual health and mental well-being.

Justin is a writer of health and invite you to visit one of the best fertility clinics in reproductive medicine to treat infertility in the United States or for information on procedures and issues.
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Monday, January 10, 2011

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4 Method Of Work Warning Signs

Pregnancy is a very bumpy ride. If your first time or if you have lived before can have a variety of experiences all the time you are pregnant. As the drag month, and the long awaited day approaches and feared, there are new symptoms that may occur. It is important to know the signs of labor as any other stage of pregnancy is a unique experience, and can vary for each woman. Therefore, even if these symptoms are common signs of an expert, it might be a different experience. The key is to have a close relationship between doctor and report on the experience and you should be fine.

4 Signs of Labor

Grande ·

As we approach the deadline, you may have trouble breathing because the growing uterus. However, the end of pregnancy, the fetus descends further into the pelvic cavity and the heaviness of the chest can be relieved and you can find a breathing less of a strain. After the beam, a common symptom is the need to urinate, lightning causes your bladder to contract, leaving less space. You can also see a change in the physical experience, all this is not always the case.

• The sudden energy

As the child grows, you will need more energy so you can often leave the state of discomfort or fatigue. You know when you last stages of pregnancy, when suddenly a burst of energy and wake up early. To participate and engage in activities that are not at all during pregnancy. Even if you can take advantage of this new found energy, it is important not to try too hard and be ready for the important.

· Problems Digestive

When the end of pregnancy, one of the most common symptoms symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and a sense of crisis in the stomach. This is a dramatic change in response to hormones in your body. When this happens, it is important to relax and not leave too much in the head as if it could make the experience much more difficult to handle.

· Braxton Hicks contractions

Braxton Hicks is about a simulation of what you'll experience during the work period. The pain and the intensity associated with it can cause many women believe they are at work, but it's the first time that the most intense experience that it is more likely a false alarm. In all cases it is important to keep in touch with your doctor.

When the work is around the corner, the main symptom is your water breaks, this is an informal term that the water film around and protect their children out. You should begin to experience contractions after this, if you have not already seen. If you do not start having contractions, then you need to do amniocentesis to protect your baby bacteria. Read these tips on how to take the job.

Finally, remember to be in close contact with your doctor. Although there is no harm to follow the advice of mothers who experienced this before, it is important to take every word, as mentioned previously had symptoms depends on the person.

Michael Spencer is an expert on women's health and pregnancy in particular. It focuses mainly on morning sickness and covers are two of the biggest problems during pregnancy. If you suffer from morning sickness sure to read these morning sickness remedies. If you arrive late, please read these tips on how to save on labor.
READ MORE - 4 Method Of Work Warning Signs
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

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5-8 Weeks: One Week Of Pregnancy

All pregnant women has been an exciting week, especially if this is your first child. If you're like most women, you're likely to find at this time because you forgot the time and is overdue for some time. Be sure to run out and get a pregnancy test for confirmation.

Week 5:

Now is the time to become aware of everything you eat. McDonald's and Taco Bell is no longer your friend. Make it a priority to eat more nutritious foods you can. Being pregnant really need about 300 extra calories each day. Depending on your insurance plan, some may cover the cost of a visit to a qualified nutritionist or dietitian.

This week, the child's heart starts beating microscopic, but be patient, you can hear in a few weeks. The system will run its first national baby with a heart that beats as the blood begins to circulate in the body.

Week 6:

Sex of the child is not ready yet, but I'm sure the lights are in your family has done an expert.

Fatigue and nausea is more likely that the military conquest of the body is at this time. Your breasts may feel painful exchanges of heavy metals, and can not stay awake is certainly a very common sign of pregnancy. If you find yourself falling asleep while watching TV or even if your partner is in the mood, do not worry, you'll find the strength when you enter the second quarter.

Your baby's eyes, ears and mouth begin to form a small head and tail. In addition, the child has a regular rhythm, but it is still too low to hear. Weapons are also beginning to appear, swelling and bumps.

Week 7:

If you were one of the lucky women who have nausea, you know, it can strike at any time. No worries, it will not last forever. Second quarter comes to your rescue. Some tricks of the trade that allows most women to cope with morning sickness is sucking the juice of lemon or other hard candy. Also try to take all the blame on your partner, it is certainly known to comfort women from many pregnant women.

This week, the baby's brain to see through and is growing at a rate of 100 cells per minute. His face is best defined by a small mouth hole. The tongue, nose and ears are visible traces. The eyes are wide open, but without iris (the colored part). The arms seem racket ping-pong and, finally, the umbilical cord (the bond between you and your baby) is now visible.

Week 8:

Now precious bundle of joy is increased by about six weeks. Take prenatal vitamins are a must. Maternity growth and nutrition of your child. If you have trouble swallowing, try taking it with food.

Iron is important, but the lease may cause nausea. Ask your doctor about vitamin with less iron, or try a chewable tablet or liquid, which could help the gag reflex. What your baby is a bit more human. Eyelids, ears, upper lip and the nose slowly forming. Do not forget the heart, began to 150 beats per minute (twice the resting heart rate).

The truth finally revealed the secrets of your doctors have been hidden for about a week week of pregnancy. My doctor told me that this was a choice.
READ MORE - 5-8 Weeks: One Week Of Pregnancy
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