For many couples, especially women, it can be a difficult and worrying time, and you can feel very alone. It is difficult to express what most people feel hopeless when you try to get pregnant, but you can not get pregnant. Pine waiting, month after month test positive only to face disappointment once again, impossible to explain unless you've experienced.
I endured this first hand for yourself and know exactly how you can hear. I want you to know that someone understands what you're going through. So consider some options for you to help you get pregnant.
First, if you can not get pregnant, go see your doctor. If you have tried to conceive for over a year without success, your doctor may write a referral to a specialist in fertility. You can go to some of the tests which may be why you can not get pregnant. It 's also a good idea to also check the partner, it is possible that he may also be affected by the fact that you can not get pregnant.
They are exactly to your lifestyle. Would you like to do everything possible to help increase fertility. Quitting smoking and alcohol. Smoking decreases fertility and makes it much harder to get pregnant. It also lowers levels of energy, and perhaps will give you energy level is a good sex life. Smoking also reduces the partner's sperm. Less sperm - less chance of getting pregnant. Alcohol, especially if you drink every day, can also affect sperm count of your partner, and if you drink more than 4 points a week can reduce the fall pregnant third.
Watch what you eat. Make sure you eat only nutritious food, which gives the body all the vitamins and minerals they need. Avoid junk food and processed foods. Fish and whole grains actually increase your fertility and fresh vegetables and fruits for vitamins and minerals as well. And do not give up coffee and tea and all beverages containing caffeine and carbonated drinks. Caffeine makes it less effective in ovulation so be sure to avoid. It also reduces the partner's sperm. Given the best conditions for pregnancy and give your child a healthy start in life. It 'obvious that if you take drugs, will surely be to stop them. Avoid certain chemicals, if the job involves being around them. This may mean changing jobs, if you or your partner are exposed to hazardous chemicals.
If you are overweight, you need to lose extra weight. Your body mass index (BMI) should not ideally exceed 25. The same applies to low weight with a BMI below 18.5). Make sure that close to your ideal weight. Exercise regularly, but not too tired and escape. The same goes for your partner.
Avoid stress at all costs. A tense atmosphere is not the best environment for pregnancy. Create a peaceful environment for you and your partner is exciting. If you have a stressful job or quit your job, get a medical certificate from your doctor if you are too stressed or leave their jobs for a while, going on holiday for the more relaxed and away from stress. Make sure your home is a harmonious back after work, where you can relax and recharge your energy. Go for cozy evenings with your partner, perhaps with candlelight and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
And sex. Enjoy the company of others. The more sex you have the better your chances of conceiving. Even once a week may not be enough. But - once you know the day of ovulation to abstain for 36 hours in advance so that the sperm produced are healthy and strong and then go for it on the day of ovulation and the day before. Therefore, knowing when ovulation. You can find with the help of fertility indicators. You must be sure that your body and the egg is ready to be fertilized, so you need to know about your cycle and ovulation time. Another tip to get pregnant: the missionary position is the best position with some pillows resting on the bottom. This ensures a deeper penetration and facilitates the passage of sperm reaching the egg and fertilize it.
Talk to your doctor if you have an underlying disease such as diabetes, thyroid problems, menstrual problems, cancer or treatment of depression. Also discuss if your partner has had surgery or an injury to the testicles, if there is blood when he ejaculates when he had a hernia, had mumps before, have diabetes, have had a vasectomy or taking drugs for ulcers . It is also necessary to discuss with your doctor if a family is afflicted with cystic fibrosis.
So that is pretty much food for thought, and there may be some things that need to change your life, but it's worth it when you hold your little angel in her arms.
What helped me to conceive of a book, which I recommended as a good friend and everything changed for the better and helped me to get pregnant quickly, when I read the Miracle pregnancy. Read more about the site below. This book is much more information on infertility, I can give of this article, and people were very high success rate, the following information. It also reflects the natural infertility treatments that have proven successful. But do not take my word. Do not read the testimonies of people have been asking when pregnancies were a point of surrender, and use the information for you. They have nothing to lose, but it could just be the last thing you need to finally become pregnant.
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