Tuesday, July 26, 2011

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Blogging - Just How Many phenomenon

In a post on my blog, The Webquarters (www.webquarters.blogspot.com), I talked about blogging this time. Here we will try and arrive at a "size" to how successful blogging has become, and how many are able to achieve.

It is important to note that we are not talking about measuring the success of a particular blog, but blogging as a phenomenon.

Before addressing the question difficult to measure success is acknowledged, let us pause and ask, What is blogging? At one level, it is a tool that people use for communication and self expression. Indeed, this is only used initially conceived. As use increased, it has also emerged as a tool for on-line 'community' to interact and disseminate news and information useful. Use the most recent show (full unancticipated in the early years of the existence of blogging) is for commercial organizations to interact with various stakeholders.

So, quite common definition of blogging appears to be a suitable technology for use by individuals, societies or organizations as a means of dissemination of communication, information or interaction.

How we go about building a measure of the success of any? One way is to identify "potential", and measure what proportion of the potential has been achieved. For example, if your company sells flat panel TV, the market potential may be equal to the total households in the world has a household income of more than a certain number. If you are trying to popularize a "world language" new you have come, the potential may be appropriate for every person in the world speak. If you're selling beer, sales potential is likely to correspond to each adult in the world to drink 150 liters per year! *

However, it is often difficult to rate the potential in this way. A more practical approach to the successor will identify 'best' achieved by anyone so far. If you are an athlete, "all the best 'you may be the world record this time in your event. In the example the TV on,' all the best 'may be the total sales achieved by the market leading companies.
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