Thursday, June 2, 2011

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How to get 50 High PR one way links each month

It is easy. So easy it's almost criminal. But I can get a sense of high PR links whenever I want.


Come closer. Let me whisper in your ear.

It includes articles, Google Toolbar and follow-up sheet.

That's it. Because there is nothing to get high PR one way links.

Two has Finds

All you have to do is find sites to post articles on this do a good job as head of the PageRank (PR) in their article pages. Unfortunately, many are not.

Others may but they do not understand this coveted live link from your article.

It simply means that you should look a little harder. As the crown jewel in your search for sites to submit articles is to locate other items that show lives links. And the pages they are on the sport at least PR 3 or higher.

That's why it's so powerful. You can usually get the lion's share of PR. Because, unlike a link to a site, often the only external link home page.

Just think. While others are blind to exchange links, you are quietly developing high search rankings by submitting articles. Nifty seo twist on the idea of ​​article marketing is not it?

 Your Tracking Sheet

Setting the tracking sheet is simple too. For at least three titles including website URL, PR, Live Link.

What goes first should be obvious.

PR Note on article pages themselves in the other.

The third note simply "Y" for yes if there is a direct link to the resource section of the box after the site author. O "N" for no if there is not.

Now the boring part - finding sites to host the articles.

Typically article banks, directories and the like will not be the best option. Sorry. I'm not saying you should not leave items are part of a global marketing article. Just do not do that our desires, many high PR one way links is all.

Instead, you want to use Google to help you find individual sites, which are the items. There are many ways to find them. Let me share one.

One way to find sites to submit

Just look for the target key phrase '+ articles ". And do not forget the quotes. Otherwise, he says Google will return all pages that contain both the phrase and the word articles on them. This should return a list of sites that healthy niche keyword key items welcome.

Now you want to do this search in Internet Explorer with Google Toolbar turned on.

Each visit a couple of pages of articles have been around for a while '. (Sometimes the sites appear to date of publication. Sometimes just somehow guess what could have been there longer.) Keep an eye on the pages of PR. Check out three or four pages should give you an idea of ​​the possibility of PR. Note: you will find the highest PR on their monitoring sheets.

Also note if the links in the resource box are live or not.

When you run the first list try another keyword focus. Or try a related niche. Be aware that you'll begin to see the peat and repeat offenders.

However, do not stop until there is a nice starting list of 25 to 30 sites that have more public relations and a direct link.

Once you have your list write the best, most informative, helpful article you can. No self promotion. No affiliate links. No hype whatsoever.

So go ahead. Submit it to the list you just developed.

If you have a better than average article you can expect at least 10 or maybe 15 of the 30 localities to write. And you're on the road. Just as you have more than 10 to 15 links PR-sided. What is probably more than most of your competitors. And this is an article.

That's right. When you have an article on the move, looking for more sites. Please enter a different quality of the article. Leave the first who posted the previous article. They should be favored class and get first crack at the new one. Then give a rest.

Very simple right? But what about how to get links fixed 50 + high PR so once a month. Now you can too.

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